We Provide Accuracy And Accountability Through Every Phase Of The Process
Using serialized inventory management solutions, Amplex tracks millions of records of orders and item numbers. This allows the products we handle to be constantly scanned and tracked, from the minute they are received in our warehouse, through fulfillment and shipping, to final customer receipt.
Top-Tier Tracking
From item purchase to item sale, our inventory management services provide you with a full, detailed history.
Frequent Reporting
With EDI, there are no faxes or mailed terms and conditions to wait for; obtain reports and other data as frequently as you require.
Accurate Accounting
Using a technologically advanced barcode system, we can easily record the individual products that are in every rack, pallet, and box.
Tracking Orders In Detail
Amplex utilizes industry-standard Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to track product orders down to the store or customer level, and to expedite payment and purchase orders. This allows us incredible flexibility, and the ability to make immediate changes to customer orders - something not always as easily done with larger fulfillment companies.